Enjoy this Replay of a Top Pick from Listeners!
I am continuing with the series from my new book,
God’s Dream for Your Life. Today, we are talking about God’s strategy for multiplication.
Before we get started, I have a question to ask you.
God has BIG dreams & plans for your life — Are you living them?
I have developed a quiz to help identify where you are on your journey and what would be your next steps.
Let’s get started with our topic for today:
God’s Strategy for Multiplication.
This past week I have been sick and unable to go out. During this time I had been pondering and talking to the Lord about the next step for marketing my book. I have several possibilities, however none have opened up at this time.
Then the Lord began to explain one of His strategies of multiplication. The funny thing about this is I had written about it in my book.
God’s strategy for multiplication can be found in what we possess!
Here is a short excerpt from my book, God’s Dream for Your Life, that will give you a little insight to this multiplication strategy in action.
“In 2 Kings 4, there is an account of a widow and her sons who are a part of God’s family. Her husband had been a prophet in the company of prophets of Israel. When Elisha arrives, her sons are about to be taken by their creditors as slaves to pay off their debt. Elisha inquires, “…Tell me what you have in the house?” (2 Kings 4:2 NKJV) Her only possession was a jar of oil. He then instructs her to borrow jars from all the neighbors, everywhere, not just a few.
Does this make any sense to you?
If you were the widow and this was your son, the thought would be running through your head: How are empty jars going to help?
Regardless they do it anyway and follow his instructions going to all the neighbors. They collect the jars, bring them home and shut the door behind them.
Then the miracle begins. God fills jar after jar, after jar until they have no more jars left and the oil stops.
Sometimes, abundance comes by using what is in our possession
and God multiples it – not just enough, but abundantly more than we need!”
Earlier I mentioned the marketing of my book. The Lord showed me that multiplication would come by using the tools I already had in my hands. I immediately started using what I have, and I am already seeing responses to my efforts.
Are you looking for multiplication? Look at what resources you already have in your possession. Now ask the Lord to give you a strategy for the multiplication you need.
When God gives you strategy I would love to hear what He has shared with you.
Leave your comment on my Facebook page by clicking here: CindyStewart
or send me an email at cindy@cindy-stewart.com
Remember, you are the best investment you can make.
Cultivate Hope 2019
Friday, November 1, 2019 9:30 AM
Saturday, November 2, 2019 5:00 PM
Bristol Hope Assembly
320 Pond Street Bristol, PA
Website to Register: www.ruthhendrickson.org/rhm-events/cultivate%20hope
Have you read my new book, God’s Dream for Your Life?
God’s Dream for Your Lifeis available on my website:
(Also on Amazon – in Book and Kindle)
Here are a few quotes from others who have read my book:
Cindy weaves through her personal experiences, experiences with God, and Scripture in a powerful and engaging way. Through the book you will find yourself being drawn close to the Father’s heart and truly beginning to dream with God. Hendrickson
This book stirred my spirit and reminded me of how faithful and powerful God is ALWAYS! It lit my spiritual flame back to LIFE! Thank you Cindy for sharing your relationship with God with us! So grateful!!! Pamela C.
Purchase Now:YES(USA)
Purchase Now Outside of USA: YES
For those of you who have read my book would you please write a review on Amazon. Your comments help others know what to expect.
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