God’s Dream for the Supernatural

I am continuing the series from my new book, God’s Dream for Your Life. Today, we are going to talk about God’s Dream to equip you with supernatural power to accomplish your dreams.

Before we get started, I have some super, exciting news!

I want to mentor you in dreaming with God. My new online class: 100 Dream Challenge begins Monday, September 17 at 7:30pm EST for 6 Weeks.

6 LIVE Sessions
Daily Interaction

Downloadable Workbook

God’s Dream for Your Life e-book
Audio Teachings
Private Facebook Group
Dream Worksheet
Course Archives

This is going to be amazing. You will learn how dreaming can dramatically change your life — like it has my life and my family’s lives. You will uncover dreams and passions you never knew you had. And you will learn how to dream with God and DREAM BIG — I want to mentor you, the way I have others, in dreaming so you can watch your life dramatically change.

Are you ready?

Register right now:


Let’s get started!

Did you know that God gives you supernatural power to do things you never thought you could do?

When you come into the family of God by believing in Jesus, His presence and His power becomes part of your life. He enables us to live in a dual dimension. We are physically located on the earth, while we are also located in the spirit realm. This is being bi-locational — we live in two different places at the same time.

Think about it this way: The Four Corners Monument is where Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah meet. You can literally stand in two states at the same time and be bi-locational. If you stretch a little, you can stand in all four states. You get the picture, right? Bi-locational!

Jesus taught His disciples about becoming bi-locational, just as He was. “Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me…” (John 14:11 NKJV) While He was here on earth, He was also in Heaven. Jesus told His disciples that He is in the Father, who is in Heaven, and the Father is in Him, even though He was standing in the same room with them.

Why is this important to you?

God gives us this ability to live in two places at once in order to partner with His plan of bringing Heaven’s Dimension to the Earth. This plans comes with the power to release healing in our bodies, supernatural multiplication of our resources and much more.

This excerpt from my book, God’s Dream for Your Life, will give you a little insight to this truth.

Jesus also brought the Kingdom of God through healing.

“Then great multitudes came to Him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others, and they laid them down at Jesus’ feet, and He healed them” (Matthew 15:30 NKJV).

They were all healed through the His Presence. Did Jesus lay hands on each person? We do not know. What we do know is that Jesus released Heaven, where there is no sickness, no disease, and no infirmity. He took what He had accessed in the nanosecond before Him, the invisible, and brought the unseen to the seen.

He changed the way they thought by teaching them to be Kingdom-minded. He brought them truth, feeding their minds and their spirits. They encountered the reality of Heaven all because Jesus understood His position and His relationship. (page 119)

We are empowered to do the same thing! We partner with God from the position we live in Heaven to release the supernatural to the people who need it on earth.

“But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us… made us alive together with Christ… and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:4-6 NKJV).

Is this the truth you live from?

I would encourage you to find a quite place and spend a few minutes with reading over this Scripture. Ask the Lord to help you encounter and live from His truth.

I would love to hear from you.

Leave your comment on my Facebook page by clicking here: CindyStewart or send me an email at cindy@Cindy-Stewart.com

If you want individual help through this process fill out the Connection Form.

Remember, you are the best investment you can make.

Would you like to learn more about God’s Dreams for You?

Register for my online 100 Dream Challenge mentoring classes from my book, God’s Dream for Your Life. This class will change the way you live life —empowering you to Dream Big for every area in your life.

God’s Dream for Your Life is available on my website:


(Also on Amazon – in Book and Kindle)

To be the first to know, join my mailing list!

Sign up at www.cindy-stewart.com/

Two upcoming events …

Frontliners: Kingdom Advance
with Dr. Clarice Fluitt, Brandi Belt and myself.
October 19-20, 2018: Tarpons Springs, Florida

Women on the Frontlines, East Coast Convention
with Patricia King, Tony Kemp, Joan Hunter, Brandi and John Belt, Cheree’ Haston and myself.
October 25-27, 2018: Atlanta, Georgia

You can register for both on my website:



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