God’s Dream of Friendship with You

I am continuing the series from my new book, God’s Dream for Your Life. Today, we are going to talk about God’s dream of having a friendship with you!

Before we get started, I have a question to ask you.

God has BIG dreams & plans for your life — Are you living in them?

I have developed a quiz to help identify where you are on your journey and what would be your next steps.


Please share your results with me at: cindy@cindy-stewart.com

Let’s get started with our topic for today: God’s Dream of Friendship with You.

What words would you use to describe a friend?

Confidant? Close Companion? Trusted? Acquaintance? Unconditional
Life-long friend? Secret Keeper?

Merrian-Webster’s summarizes friend as:

  • a person who has a strong liking for and trust in another
  • really close friends who like to do everything together and are always sharing secrets

These words describe the social friendships we have today. Our friendships are based on mutual affection for one another. We have friendships that last a lifetime and some friendships are for a season of life.

What does friendship with God look like?

I remember when I first heard about the possibility of being a friend to God. It was difficult for me to comprehend. I had all kinds of friends, from my very close circle of friends to those I don’t engage with very often, who I still consider my friends.

My question was — what kind of friendship would Jesus and I have?

My knowledge of Jesus was based on what He did for me as Savior. I did not understand at that point that a real friendship was offered to me. As I begin to realized that Jesus was my friend, it expanded the way I was able to engage and follow with Him.

Here is a little of what Jesus says true friendship looks like:

“So this is my command: Love each other deeply, as much as I have loved you. You show that you are my intimate friends when you obey all that I command you. …But I call you my most intimate friends, for I reveal to you everything that I’ve heard from my Father.” (John 15:12, 14-15 TPT)

Here is a short excerpt from my book, God’s Dream for Your Life, that will give you a little insight to God’s dream of friendship.

Jesus’s friendship is one of the most intimate gifts He offers to us in the deepest, truest way. This friendship Jesus offers fulfills one of His deepest desires, because our friendship with Jesus is birthed out of our obedience. When God calls us to be obedient, He is asking for us to be a good friend. Jesus is calling us to make a critical shift in our thinking. No longer are we to consider ourselves servants, performance-driven, for Him. Unlike our natural performance-driven relationships, i.e., bosses, parents, co-workers, He just wants us to be His friend. We are to be relationally driven.

Our friendship with God is not based on mutuality; it is based on sovereignty, and it is the ultimate plan (dream) He has for us. He sovereignly planned for us to be His friend. God is saying, “I have chosen friendship with you.” (Page 101-102)

In closing, my friendship with Jesus has grown so much over the years — and I believe it will continue to grow. One of the benefits of being friends with God is — He is the perfect friend!

He loves me unconditionally
He always follows through
He is trustworthy
He takes care of me
He is available for me day or night

Jesus is the PERFECT FRIEND!

How is your friendship with Jesus?

I would love to hear from you.

Leave your comment on my Facebook page by clicking here: CindyStewart or send me an email at cindy@Cindy-Stewart.com

Remember, you are the best investment you can make.

Have you ever wanted to have someone work with you to discover your dreams and walk out your destiny?

I would love to do that with you. I can be a mentor to help you with your breakthrough.

The Lord has given me a passion and a love to help others reach the heights He has for them. And He has given me prophetic downloads on how to dream and partner with Him to guide you to your breakthrough.

I have found a way to partner with you no matter where you live, and I am so excited!   

It is through my new online class: 100 Dream Challenge beginning Monday, September 17, at 7:30pm EST for 6 Weeks.

6 LIVE Sessions
Daily Interaction

Downloadable Workbook

God’s Dream for Your Life e-book
Audio Teachings
Private Facebook Group
Dream Worksheet
Course Archives

You will learn how dreaming can dramatically change your life — like it has changed my life and my family’s lives. And you will learn how to dream with God and DREAM BIG — I want to mentor you in dreaming, so you can see your life dramatically changed.

Are you ready?

You can register at:

God’s Dream for Your Life is available on my website:

(Also on Amazon – in Book and Kindle)

To be the first to know, join my mailing list!
Sign up at www.cindy-stewart.com/

Two upcoming events …

Frontliners: Kingdom Advance 
with Dr. Clarice Fluitt, Brandi Belt and myself
October 19-20, 2018: Tarpons Springs, Florida

Activated in the Miraculous, East Coast Convention
with Patricia King, Tony Kemp, Joan Hunter, Brandi and John Belt, Cheree’ Haston and myself.
October 25-27, 2018: Atlanta, Georgia

You can register for both on my website:


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