Finding the Courage to Dream Again

I am continuing with the series from my new book, God’s Dream for Your Life. Today, we will talk about how to find the courage to dream again.

Before we get started, I have a question to ask you.

God has BIG dreams & plans for your life —

Are you living them?

I have developed a quiz to help you identify where you are on your journey and what might be your next steps.


In my journey of traveling and speaking about my book, God’s Dream for Your Life, I have encountered many people who have given up on dreaming. There are a variety of different reasons why, some even would be considered valid reasons.

So, today I want to help you find the courage to begin dreaming again. And to open yourself up to new possibilities of hope for your future.

I want you to know why God has dreams for you. Here is an excerpt from my book that I think will help you to understand.


God has dreams for each one of us. In God’s eyes, we were not born haphazardly, unplanned or without purpose or relevance on this earth. Every person has a design and destiny for their life that will leave a footprint long after they are gone. God’s desire is for each of us to leave a footprint that is one with His. He gives us proof that this is possible in His Word and through the lives of others. We see and experience this both in history and personally through those He sends to encourage and influence us individually along the way.

Listen to the dream God had for Jeremiah:

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV).

Allow me to use the words God spoke to Jeremiah to prophetically release God’s dream for your life.

“Before I placed you inside your mother’s womb, I knew every aspect of you; I knew your heart and all the things you would desire, your design and how it would forge a path to accomplish your purpose. You were created out of My love and as I formed you, My heart was filled with an overflowing, everlasting love for you. I marked you as holy, setting you apart for the extraordinary life I planned for you. When you were born, I planted this truth deep inside you. Your life has intrinsic value to Me and you were made for greatness.”

God ingrains purpose in each one of us before we are born. Our purpose begins to crystallize and becomes clearer once we choose to be part of the Family of God.

One of our core purposes for which we exist is for the love and pleasure of our Heavenly Father. We are important to Him as His creation, His family, and His children; and additionally, we are also important in terms of how His Kingdom operates on earth. (pages 13-15)

Did you know that you were made to live in the love of the Father?

As you ponder this truth, consider what the Father’s pure love, produces.

  • Love produces encouragement to take a risk
  • Love produces safety
  • Love produces freedom
  • Love produces growth
  • Love produces an atmosphere to dream

I want to encourage you to spend time with the Father, knowing that His love will provide a safe place for you to dream again. It is so important to God for you to dream. He dreams of your purpose being realized!

Please share your thoughts about dreaming again. You can leave your comment on my Facebook page by clicking here: CindyStewart or send me an email at

Remember, you are the best investment you can make.

Have you read my new book, God’s Dream for Your Life?

Here are a few quotes from others who have read my book:

This book is a must read! Whether you have dreams that feel unattainable or you’re wanting to simply dream bigger then this book is for you! You will not be disappointed in this book! Heather W.

I’m so in love with this book. Cindy Stewart is an amazing author. God has truly blessed me through this book. Thank you Cindy Stewart for following your dreams and teaching me to follow mine. Lelia

It is time to invest in yourself!

Purchase Now and Receive Your Signed Copy: YES (USA)

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If you have read my book — would you please write a review on Amazon?


Activated in the Miraculous, East Coast Convention
with Patricia King, Tony Kemp, Joan Hunter, Brandi and John Belt, Cheree’ Haston and myself.
October 25-27, 2018: Atlanta, Georgia

You can register on my website:


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