Circle of Relationship

We are continuing our series from my new book, God’s Dream for Your Life.

Today we are talking about who we have invited into our circle of relationship to dream with us. And how to choose the right ones who will support, encourage and counsel us as we move forward in our dreams.

This may sound strange — but not everyone is meant to share in your dreams and your plans. In fact, when you share your passions and plans with too many people — those dreams can become watered down with their opinions, fears and dissuasive arguments causing you discouragement, even confusion as you move forward.

How do you determine who is in your inner circle?

I have learned over these years of successes and failures, that Jesus has to be in the center of my circle. The way I picture it is your tribe is the people who can see and support your dreams, locking arms together to form a circle of relationship. These people can include close friends, family members, work colleagues, coaches and mentors.

Your tribe, your inner circle, must have two key components:

First: Their lives center around Jesus
Second: They are advocates for your success

Why are these attributes so critical to your success?

First, the only way to know where your are going is to know Jesus. When you fix your life on Jesus, then it is His heart that reflects in yours and guides you.

I have heard it expressed this way:

Jesus is a mirror, not a window.
We do not look through Him; we look at Him.
Our vision must be laser–like. A single pinpoint locked on Him with exactness. It is proven that what we focus on is what we will become. When we focus on Jesus, we become like Jesus.
“… and we are being changed to be like Him ” (2 Corinthians 3:18, NCV). (Excerpt: God’s Dream for Your Life, page 77)

You must have people around you whose lives reflect the life of Christ, just like yours does. This way, you are all measuring, discerning and planning through the same core relationship – Jesus.

Second, you have the opportunity to invite those who are willing to go with you into your circle. You need others to accomplish your dreams. Some of your closest friends and family, who love you dearly, will not be able to go the distance with you. And that is okay, because their assignment is not YOU!

For me, my husband has been the greatest cheerleader. He has encouraged me and made a place for my dreams in our marriage. His favorite quote is by Napoleon Hill, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve,and he lives it every day! In addition, I have my long-time three best friends who are like sisters. These are the ones who stand with me.

Do you have these people in your life? Ones with whom you can be transparent? Ones who will pray for you? Ones who love you unconditionally? If your answer is yes, treasure the richness of your relationship.

If no, ask God to bring these relationships into your life. I cannot stress how important it is to be in right relationships in realizing your dreams. We are designed to need each other! “A dear friend will love you no matter what, and a family sticks together through all kinds of trouble” (Proverbs 17:17, TPT). (Excerpt God’s Dream for Your Life, page 22-23)

Jesus is asking to be invited into the center of your circle as He partners with you for your dreams. And He wants to surround you with others who have Him as the center of their lives, so they can help you accomplish the dreams brewing in your heart.

What does your circle of relationship look like?

I would love to hear from you. Leave your comment on my Facebook page by clicking here: CindyStewart or send me an email at

If you want individual help through this process fill out the Connection Form.

Remember, you are the best investment you can make.

God’s Dream for Your Life is available on my website:    

(Also on Amazon’s in Book and Kindle)

And now God’s Dream for Your Life has a 4 Hour Video Class with a workbook.  Learn more @

Coming Soon God’s Dream for Your Life online mentoring classes.   

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Two upcoming events …

August 16-18, 2018 – Tampa, Florida
I will be with Sid Roth, Robert Henderson and Dr. Kynan Bridges for the Invading the Heavens Conference

And I will be with Dr. Clarice Fluitt and Brandi Belt for
Frontliners: Kingdom Advance
October 19-20, 2018 – Tarpons Springs, FL

You can register for both on my website:


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