Revival Experiment/ Miracle Service

Miracle Service Revival is happening NOW! Each time we gather, God moves in surprising and unusual ways. He is releasing healing, prophetic words, signs, joy, and so much more. We invite you to join us in this movement, and receive an impartation. Please email Cindy with any questions or comments to She’d love to hear from you. Remember, you are […]

Sound of Abundance

Cindy Stewart Podcast Show Notes Sound of Abundance 1) We have access to the sounds of Heaven before they are released on the earth. We are the ones to release them. 2) He is sending sounds of freedom to the land through His people today. We hear Heaven’s sounds, and we GO! We listen to them, and we […]

Sound of Abundance

Cindy Stewart PodcastShow Notes Sound of Abundance In this episode, Pastor Cindy discusses the power of the connection we have with the spirit of God. We have access to the sounds of Heaven before they are released on the earth. In fact, we are the ones to release them. Just like in the times of wickedness under King […]

Giants of Old

Cindy Stewart Podcast Show Notes Giants of Old 1) God is giving us new strategies not just to survive the enemy attacks but to crush the giants coming against us.  2) Spiritual wickedness, dark forces, spiritual warfare of many kinds are being disguised as a new enemy. But it is nothing new. 3) The devil has played the […]

Giants of Old

Cindy Stewart Podcast Show Notes Giants of Old 1) God is preparing the church for the battles they are going to face. Many of us are experiencing them now. 2) Spiritual wickedness, dark forces, spiritual warfare of many kinds. Often these wars that are being waged feel like some new thing. As if the enemy is trying new tactics […]

Unity: What’s the Big Deal?

Cindy Stewart Podcast Show Notes Unity: What’s the Big Deal? 1) It is essential for the Body of Christ to walk in unity.  2) Our unity comes from the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, not based on our feelings and compromise. 3) Our hunger and passion for God grows unity in His Spirit.  4) Our unity […]

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