Willingness to Grow: The Domino Effect

Episode 13

Transformation in the world happens when people are healed and start investing in other people.
Michael Smith1

How do you want your family to grow under your leadership?

How do you want to influence others in your work environment?

Our willingness to listen and grow changes others’ lives, which impacts their sphere of influence.

I watched this amazing movie called Collateral Beauty with the actor Will Smith. One of the most amazing scenes was an elaborate city of dominos that was set in his office. The dominos were spread across multiple tables and they were set up in all different colors, shapes and sizes. At one point in the movie, Will Smith touches the end domino and the chain reaction begins as they follow suit.

1 https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/michaelws255468.html 101917


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