Cindy Stewart Podcast

What is God Saying?

Cindy Stewart Podcast
What is God Saying?

Whose voice is most important?

In this episode, Pastor Cindy discusses the importance of knowing what God is saying in any given situation. Often, we get caught up in the circumstances of life, forget to center ourselves around God’s Word, and miss His voice at the moment. If we let all of the other voices that we have access to speak louder than the voice of God, we will lose sight of what He wants to do in and through us.  

  1. God will fulfill his plan to bring HIS people back to Him.
  2. We have to find the quiet place of God so we can reset and find our strength and nourishment in Him. From there, we can hear what God is saying.
  3. We must be obedient to what God is telling us.

Scripture reference: 1 Kings 19, 1 Kings 13:1-10, 1 Kings 13:15-24

Please email Cindy with any questions or comments to She’d love to hear from you.


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