Small Changes Bring Great Things

Great things are not done by impulse, 
but by a series of small things brought together. 
~ Vincent Van Gogh

Take a moment and remember a great thing you have accomplished. Every accomplishment basically has the same framework. Ask yourself these questions:

— What was the first step I took to get started?
— What were some of the missteps?
— What were some of the victories?
— How long did it take to reach the goal?

My latest accomplishment is the completion of my third book, God’s Dream for Your Life, which is now in the publishing phase.

Here are my answers to these questions as I review my writing process.

What was the first step you took to get started?
I had an idea for the book. My first step was to allocate small amounts of time to begin the writing process.

What were some of the missteps?
I was too trusting and let someone else set the timing for completing specific elements. This delayed my book for over a year!

What were some of the victories?
I was able to plan my schedule better for the rewrites and edits of this book. It allowed me to complete the process without getting overly stressed.

How long did it take to reach the goal?
It took 2 1/2 years to get to the publishing phase.

There are several things that happen as you review the steps you took to bring success in completing your goal.

1. Reviewing your steps builds confidence by knowing you have a track record of success. It confirms you can set a goal, take the steps necessary and complete the process. This is my third book. And with each one I have grown in my confidence knowing that I can complete the process regardless of the challenges.

2. Reviewing your steps builds momentum for the next great thing you want to accomplish. I equate it to pulling a sled up a snowy embankment. There is resistance you face as you make your way to the top. Once you make it, there is a sigh of relief. You push off as the downhill momentum gives you just enough time to hop on the sled. The ride down is exhilarating, and then — you cross the finish line!

3. Reviewing your steps builds a blueprint for you to use in the future. This Blueprint assists us in developing a systematic schedule in order to stay focused. We know that if it doesn’t get on our schedule — then it doesn’t get done!

In closing, I would challenge you to go through the process of reviewing one of your successes. Then use the blueprint you developed in your next goal.

What was one of the highlights that stood out in reviewing your success?

I would love to hear from you. Leave your comment on my Facebook page by clicking here: CindyStewart or send me an email at

If you want individual help through this process fill out the Connection Form.

Also, I would like to share an upcoming event —

Writer’s Workshop – March 16 -17 in Tampa, Florida

YOUR STORY — Our Expertise
Let us help you write the story within you.

Our Writer’s Workshop will help capture your ideas in a way that brings value to your readers.

The Writer’s Workshop will teach you:

How to get started writing?
What are the publishing avenues available?
How do I build an audience?

This two-day workshop is designed to build the skills of both seasoned and aspiring writers.

Register at:

Remember, you are the best investment you can make.

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