
What We Have Learned after 38 Years of Marriage

Cindy Stewart: Welcome to Episode 15. This is a transcript of my Podcast interviewing my husband. My husband, Chuck Stewart is my special guest. Today we’re gonna talk about what we’ve learned after 38 years of marriage. 38 years. I’m gonna jump right in, and Chuck has actually made a list of things that he wanted to talk about. Of


Love Can Grow in Marriage

Episode 14 So above all else, let love be the beautiful prize for which you run. 1 Corinthians 13:13 TPT Imagine what your marriage would be like if you ran after a greater love for one another. I remember the first date with my husband. It was Labor Day weekend. We worked together and he had called to


Willingness to Grow: The Domino Effect

Episode 13 Transformation in the world happens when people are healed and start investing in other people. Michael Smith1 How do you want your family to grow under your leadership? How do you want to influence others in your work environment? Our willingness to listen and grow changes others’ lives, which impacts their sphere of influence. I watched this


Negativity Stops Us – Positivity Propels Us!

Episode 12 This quote by Norman Vincent Peale, whose well-known book is The Power of Positive Thinking, sums up our topic today. Change Your Thoughts and You Change Your World There are four easy tools to implement to help move you from Negativity to Positivity. These will bring a dramatic change to your thought life, emotions, physical health and dreams


Stepping into Your Destiny

Episode 11 Stepping Into Your Destiny What do you love? One of the ways you begin to identify your destiny is by asking yourself —- What do I love? What gets me so excited that when I am near it — I have to jump in?   What are the things that burn inside of me — what do I


Building Your Leadership Muscle

Episode 10 Building Your Relational Leadership Muscles Successful leaders are learners. And the learning process is on going. John Maxwell Leadership 101 Many years ago my company sent me to a nine month Leadership Class. I had been promoted to a Director, which carried a Board Position with it. And I needed some extra training in my expanded