
Promise of More 2019 (Replay)

Episode 81 We are entering into 2019 with a promise of MORE! Today, we will talk about how 2018 may have increased your ability to obtain the MORE coming in 2019. Let’s get started on today’s subject, 2019 Promises More. The Lord spoke to me and said, “More is just the beginning — 2019 will set the momentum


Taking “No” Off the Table

Episode 80 I have an interesting topic to share with you. Today, we are going to talk about Taking No off the Table. I am hoping these illustrations will help you realize how necessary taking No off the table really is in order for you to accomplish your assignments. The Lord has definitely challenged me to think about


Confidence to Risk

Episode 79 (Replay) I am continuing with the series from my new book, God’s Dream for Your Life. Today, we will talk about Confidence to Risk. This quote by T.S. Eliot will give you a little insight to the direction we are going today. “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far


Embracing Our Assignment

Episode 78 I went on a sabbatical for a week to hear from God and prepare for the next couple of months. I also wanted to work through the timing of the goals I had set. God began to talk to me about my assignment. And frankly, I did think I was doing my assignment. What I didn’t


I Know Who I Am

Episode 77 I have discovered a new song, well at least a new song to me, I Know Who I Am. It is sung by Sinach. Every time I hear this song, I have to dance — I have added the YouTube link so you can dance, too! This is a song of declaration of who we are


Turn on the Light!

Episode 76 Today I want to share something that happened to me that was ridiculous! It was definitely my fault, but I realized the incident carried a good message for all of us. Weather temperatures are relative to what you have become accustomed. Living in Florida I am accustomed to warm temperatures year-round. However, lately it has been