
Did You Receive?

Cindy Stewart Podcast (from the vault)Show Notes March 10, 2020 We often think of our relationship with God the Father and God the Son but our relationship with God the Holy Spirit is regularly forgotten, overlooked and even ignored. It was Billy Graham who said, “It is a waste of time for us Christians to look for power we do


Vision Expansion

Cindy Stewart Podcast – Show Notes Vision Expansion February 23, 2020 In a world where family values are being eroded, the unborn are sacrificed, morals are low and taxes are high, we need a new generation of leaders! Leaders with a vision. Leaders who are willing to sacrifice; to fight for what is right. God is using His


Confirming the Call

Cindy Stewart Podcast – Confirming The Call The Gathering February 16, 2020  Where are you at in your journey with God right now? Are you experiencing intimacy in your relationship with Christ? Do you hear the calling of the Holy Spirit in the chaos of your daily life? The Word of God is the way out of the fog; the


God is Shouting

GOD IS SHOUTING! Pastor Cindy Stewart The Gathering February 2, 2020 2 Chronicles 20:20 says, “Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.” As followers of Jesus, we are living in an exciting time in history! God is doing amazing things in, and through, His church!  In this week’s message,


Raising the Bar

Cindy Stewart PodcastRaising the Bar  Pastor Cindy Stewart February 2, 2020 Thank you for taking the time to listen to this week’s podcast. More than ever, I am convinced that God is calling us to a higher standard as we enter this new decade. A standard that requires us to raise the bar as individuals to walk together as



Pastor Cindy Stewart  (A Message From The Vault)  Today’s message was inspired by working through a question that a good friend of mine recently asked me. Here is the question: “If you thought Jesus was going to return in 10 years what would you do differently?” I think most of us have pondered what we would do if we found