
New Era

New EraCindy Stewart Podcast April 12, 2020 There is a New Era breaking open right before our eyes! God wants us, His church to, understand the times and obtain the knowledge of how we are to proactively respond in obedience to what He is doing. God is opening the eyes of His people right now and it is exciting!


Strategy for Today

Strategy for TodayCindy Stewart Podcast April 5, 2020 Are you a planner? Are you the person who likes to have a strategy before you set out to accomplish your goals? Do you have goals?  Proverbs 16:9 says, “Within your heart, you can make plans for your future, but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there.” God


Becoming New Wineskins

Becoming New WineskinsCindy Stewart Podcast March 29, 2020 The Lord is calling His people, His Church, to a new season of ascending. He wants us to focus completely on Him. When we step into something new, new things are required of us.  Mark 2:22 (TPT) says, “And who would pour fresh, new wine into an old wineskin? Eventually, the


Winds of Change

Waves of Change (A Message From The Vault) Cindy Stewart Podcast Show Notes We are living in a monumental time right now! In this season, there is an accelerated shift! God is moving, transitioning and accelerating things right before our eyes. He is bringing the regions together. He is raising up His people to unite for a greater purpose. I


Staying Power

Staying Power  Cindy Stewart Podcast Show NotesMarch 15, 2020  Have you ever found yourself wanting to go back to a specific time or experience with the Lord because it was so great? Maybe something you hear, see, or even something you smell can trigger nostalgia for a time that you wish you could go back to. How about when


The Ground has Shifted

The Ground has ShiftedCindy Stewart Podcast – Guest Speaker Matt Vines Sunday March 8, 2020 We know we cannot expect to experience something different, or to receive a different outcome if we do not deviate from the normal way we perceive, approach, and act! Sometimes our altered perspectives happen involuntarily because of life circumstances. Other times, we recognize our