Discovering Your Why

If Your Why doesn’t make you cry — it’s not your Why
Coach Hite

Many years ago, I was working for a company doing a job that I loved. I enjoyed going to work everyday, but still I felt unsatisfied, like something was missing.

A friend of mine invited me to a Tony Robbin’s, two-day seminar. And yes — it was the one with the fire walk — and yes, I did it!

I remember watching Tony as he invited individuals up on stage and in a matter of minutes they would have an epiphany about their passion. Joy and excitement would overwhelm them – so much so they would cry — both men and women!

I had just discovered the why that made me cry!

I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to help others find their passion, so they could live the life they dreamed about.

Every person should know his or her why.

Discovering your why, the reason you do what you do, is one of most important pieces to living a fulfilled life.  Because your why is the driving force behind your life.

Here are 3 important reasons to discover your why —

•     Your Why is what keeps you moving forward.
•     Your Why gives you the courage to take risk.
•     Your Why is what fuels the passion that burns inside.

Let’s take a minute and break each of these down.

Discovering your why keeps you moving forward. 

Your why is the power that keeps you motivated to take the next step in your plan of action.

Last week I spent some of my time off working on my goals for this year. I was detailing my health goals, financial goals, growth goals and spiritual goals. Next, I began listing the why each goal was important to my life.

As I started writing my why’s I felt this excitement begin to well up inside of me. So much so, when I returned to work, I had a new surge of energy, clarity and creativity to complete the plan for the day.

Discovering your why gives you the courage to take risk.

John Ortberg wrote a book called, If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got Get Out of the Boat.”

When you understand your why, you have the courage to step out on to the water, even when you think you might sink! It doesn’t mean the fear and trepidation doesn’t exist. It means your why is giving you the courage to risk stepping out instead of yielding to your fear and trepidation.

I remember the first time I was invited to a conference as a speaker. I didn’t sleep much as I was up most of the night rehearsing what I was going to say. This conference was a BIG Deal to me! Once I made it through the first few jittery minutes, I knew the door of my dreams was opening and I was stepping into a new chapter.

Discovering your Why fuels the passion that burns inside.

Your why is like gasoline for your car, it fuels the engine. Knowing your why brings unity, fueling your mind and your emotions, so your passion is heading the same direction.

You are wired for significance and to add value to life. Understanding your why and living our passion is what keeps the fire alive inside us!

Understanding the why of your actions is the driving force in your life. It keeps you moving forward, it gives you courage to take risk and it keeps the fire burning inside of us.

Question: What have you experienced as you have discovered your why?

I cannot wait to hear your feedback!

Join my Free Webinar this week to learn more about how to live your dream and experience your passion!

Free Webinar:

Live Your Dream and Experience Your Passion 

Thursday, 1.11.2018 at Noon EST

Registration is limited so REGISTER today!

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