Cindy Stewart LIVE

Fearless. Bold. Confident.

Cindy Stewart has learned to build the bridge between business and ministry through her skills of being able to incorporate God into everything you are doing.  Enabling you to live out of the presence of God, which enables you to achieve your goals in business and ministry. She is a business consultant, executive coach, and the Senior Leader at the Gathering Apostolic Center.

It is the goal of Cindy Stewart Live  to help you live an audacious life — fearless, bold, confident.

Bringing you into healthy family living, expanding your businesses, sharing your ministry, and broadening leadership skills because everyone is a leader.
Cindy’s Youtube Channel: Click to Subscribe

Hi, I'm Cindy

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With over 40 years of business and ministry experience combined. My mission is to help people discover their purpose, while developing practical steps for them to succeed and see their dreams come to life. I have a passion for people and helping them connect to their life purpose, discover their passions and live their dreams. As a business consultant and executive coach, i help my clients take small steps to gain big successes in growing their business.

MKE Praying

What to expect

In each episode, you will explore God’s best for you.
You will meet dynamic people who are taking risk to walk in their calling. 
As they  share their journey, you will learn from them and be encouraged.
You will also receive teaching,  impartation and prophetic insight that will empower you to advance and live you will  walk in the unlimited possibilities God has for you!

As an author, Cindy's books bring clarity to your purpose while unlocking vision of what is possible in the natural and the supernatural.

Read Cindy's Latest Book