What is your Kingdom vision for the next 50, 60, 70 years?
Category: Podcasts
Can You? Replay
Can you prosper in the time of evil? We have the ability, as carriers of the Holy Spirit, to do far more than we think, feel or understand.
Spiritual Intelligence
We’ve heard of IQ (Intelligence Quotient), and maybe even heard of our EQ (Emotional Quotient), but what about our SQ (Spiritual Quotient) or Spiritual Intelligence?
New Wine, Fresh Oil
When a new revelation is released to a community, it is meant to bring life to all who are within its reach. And that is what the anointing is for.
Face to Face
We need to live from a friendship with God. With Holy Spirit as our guide and the word of God as our oar, we can and will maneuver through anything the raging river of life brings our way.
Revelatory Solutions
God is calling us into a deeper revelatory realm with Him. What is this revelatory realm? It’s Revelation that provides the answers to the problem you are facing.
God’s Move in 2022
The Word tells us, in Amos 3:7, that God does nothing without first telling His prophets. But what do we do with what we hear? We war for the Kingdom of God to overrun, overtake and destroy the works of the enemy. Are you ready to be in the fight?
Spiritual Tune-Up – Replay
Spiritually, we all need to go through the process of a tune-up. With the help of the Holy Spirit, this type of soul healing can be a comforting and ultimately life changing process.
Weighty Assignments – Replay
The Lord showed me in a vision that those who have bowed before Him would receive a weighty assignment. We are thwarting the enemy’s plans, and moving with greater agility to defeat what he has released.