Pushing the Enemy Back

Sunday Sermon Cindy Stewart June 30, 2019 David got focused on fleeing, on where do I run next? No longer believing what God promised. We forget what God has promised us, and the victory of how He has gotten us this far. We forget the move of God that is really running interference on what the enemy is […]

Kingdom Building

Sunday Sermon Cindy Stewart June 23, 2019 It’s always easier when we have a plan, but… We have the impartation of Christ in us by the Holy Spirit, we are mobile temples of God, that can change whatever is happening.


Many years ago, I came across this Scripture in Job 22:28, “You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And the light [of God’s favor] will shine upon your ways.”  Since that time, I love declaring the Word of God.  For when we declare the Word, several things happen.  1. When […]


Episode 98 Many years ago, I came across this Scripture in Job 22:28, “You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And the light [of God’s favor] will shine upon your ways.” Since that time, I love declaring the Word of God. For when we declare the Word, several things happen. […]

Celebrating America

Episode 97 This week the United States of America will be 243 years old — Happy Birthday!  I am honoring America with a short story from my book, Insights for an Abundant Life, which is available to purchase on Amazon. America, The Beautiful was written about our incredible nation. Kathleen Lee Bates originally wrote these words as a […]

Celebrating America

This week the United States of America will be 243 years old — Happy Birthday!  I am honoring America with a short story from my book, Insights for an Abundant Life, which is available to purchase on Amazon.  America, The Beautiful was written about our incredible nation. Kathleen Lee Bates originally wrote these words as a poem in […]

Get Unstuck

Are you stuck?  As we work toward our goals, sometimes we get stuck. We are not sure what to do next. So, today we are going to talk about how to get unstuck.  I know I have been in that situation many times. I would reach a certain point of completion and then I could not quite figure out […]

Get Unstuck

Episode 96 Are you stuck?  As we work toward our goals, sometimes we get stuck. We are not sure what to do next. So, today we are going talk about how to get unstuck.  I know I have been in that situation many times.  I would reach a certain point of completion and then I could not quite […]

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