Cindy Stewart with Monica Ramey Please email Cindy with any questions or comments to She’d love to hear from you. MY NEW BOOK I AM AVAILABLE NOW on Amazon! UPCOMING EVENTSMiracle Service – Thursday October 15th 7 p.m.You can join us in person or watch on The Gathering FB Page Remember, you are the best investment you can make. #positivewordsonly #mappingbodysoulspirit #ExecutiveCoach […]
Author: Cindy Stewart
Testimony of a Supernatural Lifestyle
Cindy Stewart Testimony of a Supernatural Lifestyle Cindy had the privilege of being interviewed by Rita Rodriguez at The Pointer, on her testimony of living a supernatural lifestyle. Stay tuned until the end, she prays for you! Please email Cindy with any questions or comments to She’d love to hear from you. MY NEW BOOK I AM […]
Give Me My Mountain
Cindy Stewart Podcast – Show Notes Give Me My MountainSeptember 28th, 2020 Cindy had the privilege of speaking at a conference for the Women In Ministry Network on September 18th. She talked about the importance of taking your mountain. We first have to know what our mountain is. That comes from revelation from God. We then have to […]
Give Me My Mountain
Cindy Stewart Podcast Show Notes Give Me My MountainSeptember 28th, 2020 Cindy had the privilege of speaking at a conference for the Women In Ministry Network on September 18th. She talked about the importance of taking your mountain. We first have to know what our mountain is. That comes from revelation from God. We then have to consume […]
Hold the Line
Cindy Stewart Podcast – Show Notes Hold the LineSeptember 22nd, 2020 In this episode Pastor Cindy talks about our responsibility to stand strong during these crazy times. Like the anchor positions in a game of tug-of-war, we are called to hold the line; not for us, but for God. She discusses the revival tour that Sean Feucht is […]
Hold the Line
Cindy Stewart Podcast Show Notes Hold the LineSeptember 22nd, 2020 In this episode Pastor Cindy talks about our responsibility to stand strong during these crazy times. Like the anchor positions in a game of tug-of-war, we are called to hold the line; not for us, but for God. She discusses the revival tour that Sean Feucht is currently […]
Correct, Contend and Conquer
Cindy Stewart Podcast – Show Notes Correct, Contend and ConquerSeptember 15th, 2020 In this episode, Pastor Cindy shares a message that had been brewing in her for over a month. It’s an informative message about the spiritual battle against God’s people and how the Father fights on their behalf. But, it’s also a prophetic message for us and […]
Correct, Contend and Conquer
Cindy Stewart Podcast Show Notes Correct, Contend and ConquerSeptember 15th, 2020 In this episode, Pastor Cindy shares a message that had been brewing in her for over a month. It’s an informative message about the spiritual battle against God’s people and how the Father fights on their behalf. But, it’s also a prophetic message for us and how […]
Growth Spurt – Prophetic Word
Cindy Stewart Wanting to move forward in your vision. Join my online class starting September 14 — Invest 6 weeks and see your vision come to life. My online class Compelled to Change is about going from dreaming to doing. Register now and be entered into a drawing for free coaching from me. (Worth $150) Cindy is hosting […]
Compelled to Change? A little TIP to help you move forward…
Cindy Stewart A little TIP to help you move you forward in your vision. Join my online class starting September 14 — Invest 6 weeks and see your vision come to life. My online class Compelled to Change is about going from dreaming to doing. Register now and be entered into a drawing for free coaching from me. […]