Jesus Centered Alignment

Jesus Centered AlignmentShow Notes When Jesus is the center, we begin to see things the way He sees them. We begin to care about what is important to Him. 2) Throughout Scripture, you see Jesus’ union with the Father. It’s that ONENESS that defines His identity.  3) From your alignment with Jesus, you have the same oneness with the Father […]

Jesus Centered Alignment

Cindy Stewart Podcast Show Notes Jesus Centered Alignment When Jesus is the center, we begin to see things the way He sees them. We begin to care about what is important to Him.  2) Throughout Scripture, you see Jesus’ union with the Father. It’s that ONENESS that defines His identity.   3) From your alignment with Jesus, you have […]

Miracle Service

Communion, Healing, and Prophetic Please email Cindy with any questions or comments to She’d love to hear from you. Compelled to Change is a self-paced, all online course for anyone in need of a blueprint to accomplish your goals and dreams. Give the perfect gift to yourself or anyone who wants to get the most out of […]

Jesus Centered Knowing

Jesus Centered KnowingShow Notes 1) Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing.  However, at the Wedding at Cana, Jesus could have walked away when Mary told Him the problem, but He didn’t. Mary knew He was the answer. She activated what He carried to solve the problem. God will break open what you carry inside, the “knowing” […]

Jesus Centered Knowing

Cindy Stewart Podcast Show Notes Jesus Centered Knowing In this episode, Pastor Cindy opens her 3-part series called Jesus Centered. This week she talks about KNOWING. Heaven is Jesus Centered. We are made to be Jesus centered. We carry an assignment for our lives to make Jesus the Center. All of us have a deposit inside of us, […]

Kingdom Infrastructure

Kingdom InfrastructureShow Notes 1) God has given me a word to encourage the body of Christ as we head into 2021.  2) God is rebuilding the Kingdom areas in our lives.  3) God is calling you to a deeper place. 4)  ARE YOU IN? Listen to the podcast or watch the video below to find your role.  5) Scripture […]

Kingdom Infrastructure

Cindy Stewart Podcast Show Notes Kingdom Infrastructure This week, Pastor Cindy encourages us with a message God has given her for the church. It’s not about what is going on out in the world. It’s meant to encourage the body of Christ as we head into 2021. God is restoring the Kingdom Order in His Body. He is […]

Miracle Service

Please email Cindy with any questions or comments to She’d love to hear from you. Compelled to Change is a self-paced, all online course for anyone in need of a blueprint to accomplish your goals and dreams. Give the perfect gift to yourself or anyone who wants to get the most out of 2021. Cindy’s Latest course […]

Warring for His Promises

Cindy Stewart Show Notes Warring for His Promises 1) Have you ever actively fought for something to come to fulfillment? Did it require sacrifices or letting go of something? 2) King David had to war through significant challenges until his promise was fulfilled. 3) When we war for our promises, we must open our hearts to receive God’s empowerment. Listen to the podcast or watch […]

Warring for His Promises

Cindy Stewart Podcast Show Notes Warring for His Promises In this episode, Pastor Cindy talks about how we must war for the promises of God in order for them to come to fruition in our lives. She uses the life of King David and his sons to teach us the strategies and the Biblical principles of warring through […]

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