As we move into a great glory with God, we can expect there to be a stronger attack from the enemy. What God has done is preparing us for what is coming. He is raising up the Church to learn to walk in signs, wonders and miracles.
Author: Cindy Stewart
The Outpouring of God
The Lord has been showing up as we gather. He is training us in a new way of following the Holy Spirit. Be part of this expanded move of God! Let’s go together with a hunger for God’s ways.
Carrying the Kingdom – Replay
There is Kingdom glory in you! We influence outcomes and have the power to bring light into the darkness!
Carrying the Kingdom – Replay
There is Kingdom glory in you! It is Christ in you that empowers you to be the light and build His Kingdom.
Our Testimony
As our testimonies are given, all that hear the testimonies can align with the move of God.
Our Testimony
As our testimonies are given, all that hear the testimonies can align with the move of God.
Greatness of God
Can you trust God to turn the heart of an enemy? God’s greatness can turn a foe into a friend with one encounter with Christ.
Greatness of God
There will be times in our lives where we experience difficulty in our journey. There will be moments or even seasons of persecution. It’s in those moments that we need to remember how great and mighty and powerful our God is.