Cindy Stewart Blog

5 Simple Ways to be Successful

We crave success in life, but sometimes we need a little help getting there. These five simple lessons for success helped propel me to where I am now, and they can do the same for you.  

I do not know anyone that would say that they do not want success in life. 

Whether it is success in relationships, business, or personal disciplines, something deep within us longs to be successful, and to contribute to the world. 

I have been privileged to receive some of the best training the corporate world has to offer for success. My many years of experience outside the classroom taught me even more. 

But while I benefited tremendously from that training, there is one person whose wisdom set me up young for success: my mom.

My mom was smart, beautiful, and creative. She was also witty and charming. 

She was known for her quirky little sayings, like:

What’s time to a hog?”

“More to be pitied than censored.”

“Dime to a donut.” 

And my favorite,

Beauty must suffer.” 

Her ultimate secret for success was finding the best in every situation. I never remember her complaining or worrying. 

When we were running short on groceries, she would whip up something incredible for dinner—something that usually included eggs. As she would say, “If you have eggs, you have dinner.” 

There are many things I learned from my mom, things that I have since applied to my life and business that helped it (and me) thrive. 

I have found success from leaning on some of the things she taught me. I believe that you can, too. 

Here are my mom’s top five lessons for success in life:  

1. Think Outside the Box

My mom was a problem solver. She believed that there was always a solution to a problem. 

When our dryer was broken, for example, she hung our socks on the oven rack to dry while our cheese toast cooked for breakfast. 

For my mom, nothing was unsolvable. That is true for you and your team. 

2. Teamwork is a Must for Success

I learned teamwork from my mom. 

There were five kids in my family, and it took all of us pitching in to get everything done. 

My mom hung a chore chart outside her clothes closet, and each kid rotated chores. This often meant waking up at 6am to fix breakfast for the family during the week. 

If someone was behind with their chores, the others were taught to pitch in and help. 

Building a strong team is essential for your success. You can only accomplish so much alone. You need others expertise, perspective, and help to fully achieve your goals

3. The Art of Great Cooking

My mom didn’t measure anything. It was always a pinch of this and a pinch of that. 

We learned to determine the amount of an ingredient to add to a recipe by taste, smell, and texture. It was a fun way to cook, and even today I find myself wanting to add a little pinch of something else to the recipe. 

This lesson in creativity (and fearlessness?) was tremendously beneficial when I was out in the workforce building teams and problem solving. 

Develop a habit of encouraging creativity in your life and teams. You will unearth ideas and solutions for success that you did not think were possible. 

4. Wisdom and Counsel 

My mom taught me to hear the heart of a person. 

People came from all over to gain wisdom and direction from her. She would listen intently, encourage them, and offer wise counsel. Most importantly, she gave them hope. 

You have solutions to offer to a world in turmoil. You are called to be a giver of hope to the hopeless, and a wise counselor in times of uncertainty. 

But it starts with really listening to what is going on inside a person so you can offer the best advice for their success. 

5. Remember, They are People, Too. 

My mom taught me her greatest lesson for success when she lived with us. 

She would watch my children while I would be busy with laundry or cooking. I would hear her remind each one of them how they were special—and how important it was to treat each other with love and kindness. 

She was honoring of their thoughts and opinions. This helped me in my own parenting, and in appreciating my other relationships. 

Whether it is your spouse, kids, team, or any relationship, all are human beings worthy of respect and kindness, regardless of their age or place in the hierarchy. 

Remembering that each is a person boosts morale and strengthens your bond with them, increasing everyone’s chance of even greater success. 

My mom passed away from lung disease at the age of fifty-nine. She was vibrant until the end. 

She taught that nothing was impossible. Believe that it is possible! 

Did you learn something from your mom that was pivotal to your success in life? 

Leave your comment on my Facebook page or send me an email at

As each of us is working toward an area of success, it can be helpful to have a mentor on the journey, just as my mom mentored me. 

One of my greatest joys is connecting with people on their journey and helping them be the successful person they are called to be. 

If you want individual help through this process, fill out the Connection Form and let’s get the conversation started. 

Remember, you are the best investment you can make.

If you want to invest in your future, find your passion AND the why behind it, sign up for my 6-week online course, Compelled to Change

In this class, you will learn practical and repeatable strategies to accomplish your dreams and be unstoppable! 

Learn more here.

Abundant Blessings, Cindy 

Cindy Stewart has a passion for people and helping them connect to their life purpose, discover their passions, and live their dreams. Cindy’s latest book, God’s Dream for Your Life, brings clarity to your purpose while unlocking vision of what is possible in the natural and the supernatural. She is an itinerant speaker, an executive coach, and hosts a weekly podcast on Charisma Podcast Network.  Along with her husband, Chuck, they lead The Gathering Apostolic Center in Tarpon Springs, FL. 

Please email Cindy with any questions or comments to She’d love to hear from you.

Remember, you are the best investment you can make.

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