Building Your Leadership Muscle

Episode 10

Building Your Relational Leadership Muscles

Successful leaders are learners.
And the learning process is on going.
John Maxwell Leadership 101

Many years ago my company sent me to a nine month Leadership Class. I had been promoted to a Director, which carried a Board Position with it. And I needed some extra training in my expanded role. It was grueling and exhilarating at the same time. The class was three hours after a full day and most days I was at work at five A.M., which was the grueling part. However, the class was so well managed with practical applications and interaction with peers it made it an incredible growing time for me in honing my skills as well as learning new ones.

One theme was woven through out:

Keeping your Focus while Building your Team. 

One of the ways to strengthen your leadership muscle is by understanding how you lead. In last week’s blog, we studied Relational Leadership.

In review, Relational Leadership is the ability to build a rapport with their team in a way that maximizes every person’s potential while creating synergy among them in achieving clear set goals.

How do you lead?

Today, we are going to look at two very different styles. In fact they are polar opposites.

Controlled and Contained — Empowered and Released


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